New possibilities for centralized data management
- Centralized data management
- Centralized user management
- Multi-level Undo/Redo
- Role-based access control (RBAC)
- Storage of FMEA projects in different business units
- Administration of business units by the user
- Check-out of projects
- Traceability of changes
*On this page you will find several planned features of the CDM server. Some features may not be available with the first release(s) or will be re-evaluated in their entirety, but we are working hard to make as many of these and other features available as soon as possible.
1. Centralized Data Management (CDM)
The organization of FMEA projects and users via business units (BU) is optimally supplemented by role-based access control (RBAC).
This means that different rights can be assigned to different business units to allow for detailed access control to be implemented, which prevents data from being changed unintentionally and regulates the visibility of data.
2. Administration of global objects
Global objects can be saved with each business unit. The availability of such global data can be controlled by structuring the business units hierarchically.
Predefined function catalogs, for example, can be made available to different business units.
Future enhancements of the CDM Server
Centralized action tracking
The web-based central action tracking system (CDM Action Tracking) can be used to efficiently process the actions of an FMEA project. Each person responsible for actions can log on to CDM Action Tracking and work through the tasks assigned to them. The project manager thus keeps track of the progress of the FMEA project.
OSLC interface
The OSLC interface enables seamless connections to other systems.
Data from external systems can be linked and integrated via the interface. Furthermore, you can create objects in external systems.
These and future enhancements make the CDM-Server an even more powerful tool in your work processes.
Please note that the APIS CDM-Server can be used only with APIS IQ-Software Version 8.0!
The CDM-Server will be available shortly after the release of version 8.0.