Service Packs
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Service packs are available for users who have already installed APIS IQ-Software and want to update the software.
Service packs are periodically provided to address software problems and to include new functions. Service packs are cumulative, i.e. the latest service pack contains all improvements and bug fixes released to date.
Patches are minor supplements to the respective service pack and should therefore be applied to a specific service pack only. They contain exclusively bug fixes and no new functions. The patch must be copied into the program directory of the IQ-Software after loading. The existing sll file will be overwritten. Write access to the installation directory is required.
Please contact our support if you cannot download the files for security reasons. We will provide you with the service packs in another format or even send it to you on CD.
Subscribe to the APIS newsletterAPIS IQ-Software 7.0 Service Pack 0180
List of all changes since releaseAPIS CARM Server 5.70 Service Pack 0110
List of all changes since release