CARM Server Version V5.70
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APIS CARM Server 5.70 Service Pack 0110
Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0110
The following bugs have been fixed with this service pack:
CARM-213Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0100
The following bugs have been fixed with this service pack:
CARM-207Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0090
CSA WEB/PDF Publisher:
CSA Publisher now supports export of DRBFM documents. You need at least IQ-Software V7.0 – 0150 to configure this via Remote configuration. [CARM-193]
The following bug has been fixed with this service pack:
CARM-196Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0080
CSS module certificate files are now named "<certificate name> module.iqc". [CARM-177]
The following bug has been fixed with this service pack:
CARM-188Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0070
Now it is possible to reset the CARM Server administrator password within the CARM Server user interface (GUI). [CARM-141]
Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0060
In the IQ-Software, under CSS Module Access Rights, a possibility has been created to store the owner of a certificate in the form of the Windows username. If such a certificate is installed, a check will be made upon connection attempts to the CARM-Server whether the entry in the certificate matches the Windows user logged in. This functionality requires IQ-Software V7.0 – 0110 or newer. [CARM-163]
The reference language for CSS modules and CSS catalogs can be set server-globally. It serves as an alternative language on the IQ-side, if a module or catalog object has no translation in the set document language. This functionality requires IQ-Software V7.0 – 0110 or newer. [CARM-168]
Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0050
Modules of a category can be sorted in the CSS Module Editor in the IQ-Software. This functionality requires the IQ version V7.0 – 0100 or newer. [CARM-156]
The CSS modules access rights have been extended to include "Change module" right: in the properties dialog all values can be changed. This functionality requires the IQ version V7.0 – 0100 or newer. Note: If this right is set, IQ versions before V7.0 – 0100 will interpret this as "no rights". [CARM-158]
Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0040
The e-mail to module users about newer module versions was sent with the wrong encoding. In some e-mail programs the e-mail was not readable. This has been fixed. [CARM-150]
Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0030
If a standard status for uploaded modules is used, this status of that module can no longer be changed using the IQ-Software. This functionality requires V7.0 – 0040 and up. [CARM-133]
When CSS Module Access Rights Service is active, a user with all access rights may administer certificates. Using the new option "Only the CARM Server administrator is allowed to delete certificates" (CARM-Server Settings | CSS Modules), this user can be blocked from deleting certificates from within the IQ-Software. This functionality requires V7.0 – 0040 and up. [CARM-137]
CSA WEB/PDF Publisher:
If provided, the file "logo.png" will be used as the default logo for CSA exports. The file must be located in the CARM Server data path in the "workgroup" directory. [CARM-21]
CSA Web Publisher: The company logo is now displayed in the header. Additionally, the file "WebPublisher.css" can be stored in the CARM Server data path in the "workgroup" directory as a template for a central and user-defined HTML style sheet. This is used for all newly created Web Publisher jobs. [CARM-139]
Service Pack-Version 5.70 - 0020
Less memory is now consumed when converting the module database. [CARM-121]